Yuk! Latihan Test TOEFL ITP Listening Online disini!

Hay Sunners! kali ini kita akan membahas sedikit mengenai TOEFL ITP khususnya listening section. Berikut bisa kalian lihat contoh listening part A 1-10 dari 50 pertanyaan. Dari part ini, kalian akan mendengarkan dialog pendek antara 2 orang, berbeda dengan part B, kalian akan mendegar conversation antara 2 orang dan kalian akan mendengar pertanyaannya satu kali setelah conversationnya selesai. Sedangkan part C, speaker yang kalian dengar hanya satu orang atau monologue.
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Bagian pertama listening TOEFL ITP yaitu part A yang berisikan dialog pendek antara 2 orang. Di bawah ini contoh latihan soal yang bisa menjadi gambaran kalian bagaimana sih mengerjakan Listening di Part ini. Dari 50 pertanyaan, berikut 10 pertanyaan bisa kalian kerjakan.
Directions: Each item in this part consists of a brief conversation involving two speakers. Following each conversation, a third voice will ask a question. You will hear the conversations and questions only once, and they will not be written out.
When you have heard each conversation and question, read the four answer choices and select the one – (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can be inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
You will read:
(A) Open the window
(B) Move the chair.
(C) Leave the room.
(D) Take a seat.
1 (A) This is the first time she’s seen the piano. (B) The photographs have not been developed. (C) The photographs are on the piano. (D) The man should photograph the piano. |
2 (A) Because he was so hungry, he rushed off to eat. (B) He found some good buys at the store. (C) Everybody was angry at him for leaving. (D) He was too mad to say anything when he left |
3 She’s trying to find a good chair. She doesn’t know where the chair is now. She thinks the chair is actually comfortable. She’s never sat in that chair before. |
4 (A) The gardens are on the opposite side of the park. (B) The roses in this park are not the best. (C) The rose gardens are located on the west side. (D) The roses grow outside the park, not inside it. |
5 (A) He doesn’t know where she lives. (B) He believes she’s going to leave tonight. (C) He doesn’t know where she’s going. (D) He didn’t hear what she said. |
6 (A) He has finished cleaning the drain. (B) He feels that he has wasted two days. (C) He will start his experiment in two days. (D) He thinks his experiment was a success. |
7 (A) She is riding her brother’s bicycle now. (B) She fixed the bike for her brother. (C) Her bicycle can’t be repaired. (D) Her brother did the repair work. |
8 (A) A half hour. (B) An hour. (C) Ninety minutes. (D) Two hours. |
9 (A) She doesn’t take her car to campus anymore. (B) She doesn’t have a long way to drive. (C) She doesn’t need to go to campus tomorrow. (D) She doesn’t have a car anymore. |
10 (A) Swimming is as tiring as dancing. (B) She’s taking a dancing course. (C) Dancing provides good exercise too. (D) She’d rather swim than dance. |
Berbeda dengan part sebelumnya, di bagian ini kalian akan mendengarkan conversation yang lebih panjang antara 2 orang. Setelah conversationnya selesai, pertanyaannya baru akan muncul dan hanya sekali. Taking notes sangat dibutuhkan agar kalian bisa highlight jawaban yang ada dalam conversation tersebut. Untuk part B terdiri dari no 31 sampai dengan 38. Ada dua conversation, conversation pertama untuk no. 31 sampai dengan 34, dan conversation kedua untuk no. 35 sampai 38. Berikut latihan dari 31 sampai 34.
31 · He’d lost his driver’s license. · His identification wasn’t acceptable. · He didn’t have this checkbook. · The ticket office was closed. |
32 · On campus. · In the Midvale Shopping Mall. · On Southland Parkway. · Downtown. |
33 · A passport. · A check. · A driver’s license. · A ticket. |
34 · Drive him to the concert. · Cash his check. · Self him her tickets. · Lend him some money. |
Di part ini, kalian akan mendengarkan beberapa monologue untuk beberapa pertanyaan. Dan pertanyaan akan muncul setelah monologue nya selesai. Untuk kali ini kalian akan mendengarkan satu lecture untuk menjawab soal dari nomor 38 sampai dengan 41.
39 (A) On a bus. (B) At Crater Lake National Park. (C) In a hotel. (D) In Portland, Oregon. |
40 (A) Its mineral content. (B) The reflection of blue sky in the water. (C) The depth and clarity of the lake. (D) Its low temperature. |
41 (A) It rises rapidly when the snow melts. (B) It stays more or less the same all year. (C) It varies greatly from year to year. (D) It drops quickly because of evaporation and seepage. |
Nah begitulah gambaran untuk listneing TOEFL ITP, untuk lebih lengkapnya kamu bisa datang langsung ya ke cabang SUN yang terdekat untuk melakukan prediction atau palcement test. Jadi kalian bisa tau secara lengkap test TOEFL ITP tidak hanya listneing tapi skill lainnya.
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Answer key:
1. c. 2. d 3. c.4 a 5. b 6.b.7.d.8c.9.a.10.c
31. b 32. c 33. a 34. d
39. a. 40. c. 41. b